What would it be like to increase your level of calm right now? Here's my top 3 fabulous youtube resources by mind-body connection expert Phil Parker for increasing your level of relaxation and calm, and for training your mind to be calm ...

A 20 minute video, of a live on seminar on increasing our state of calm which includes a 10 minute relaxation, and useful tips on how to use language to increase calm
A lovely 10 minute audio relaxation and video to help you relax and reduce overwhelm
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2zKc1xn0GQ - a 5 minute video to bring you to a state of presence as you move through your day.
To find out more, and about how I can help you to train in the lightning process visit my website at www.generatingchange.co.uk, call me on 07749706127, or email me on jen2627@hotmail.co.uk
There's a video here about to find out more about how you can use the lightning process to increase your level of calm even more and to help you healhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IADovidD9Ms